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Lindsey Jones, R.D., L.D.,
Functional Nutritionist

A native Oregonian, my awareness of healthy food and lifestyle was present before birth. Growing up eating what my mom prepared for the family, much of which came from our gardens, or was hunted and caught from family hunting and fishing trips ingrained me with knowledge and respect of wildlife and nature. My grandparents also grew gardens, and/or were hunter and fishermen and women, teaching their children the importance of healthy foods.

Going through the B.S. Nutrition Program at Oregon State University in Corvallis, then my internship through Oregon Health Science University which lead me to Southern Oregon, revealed to me that my passion lied within prevention of disease. My first job as a Registered Dietitian was at Ashland Community Hospital doing clinical work and also outpatient counseling. It was during this first job where I had the great fortune of meeting Dr. Michael Stone who transitioned me over to Stone Medical P.C., Family Practice.

Practicing and learning functional nutrition pushes me to use nutrition as medicine and to work with the individual needs of each person whom I am able to meet.

Knowing that healthy habits for future generations takes part in the womb, I am pleased to be teaching nutrition during pregnancy courses, with the goal of reaching the community by offering these classes to the public.The next program to be offered at Stone Medical, P.C. will be preconception nutrition classes, because we know that health of the future population starts before pregnancy.

I am also excited to be involved in Rogue Valley Farm to School Program that focuses on reaching and teaching kids about the cycle of “farm to fork.” It is another passion of mine.

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